I (Rick) am excited about offering an apprenticeship program. It is one of the most effective ways to learn trading. This program is six weeks in duration and requires total commitment and dedication. Our program starts with a personal dialogue which will give us the opportunity to discuss your goals and objectives. Once accepted, we will work on a daily basis, in a small group setting, establishing a basic foundation and building precept upon precept.
Program Overview:
- State of the art technology allows you to learn remotely
- Intensive personal training/coaching (Come prepared to work)
- Interaction with the coach during trading hours.
- Apprentice manual covering all coursework of the program.
- 3 months access to the online Trading chat room
- 1 month of online private follow up to review progress and trades.
- 2 months indicator suite.
- Each trader will be required to complete homework assignments, pre and post market prep work.